Journalism 2 Class luis jennifer mason robert forrest casey caitlin sarah mason lia alexandra luis natalie

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Guys, I love America*

by: Mason

I love America. Let me tell you why:

We have Founding Fathers.

Also, since behind every great man stands a great woman, we have Founding Mothers, too! Hooray for women!
And these Founding Parents cared about us! They didn't want us to live under the tyrant King George (the third)! No. They left England prepared to set up a new nation, with freedom of speech and of press and of thought. They wanted the slaves to be free and the rich to be equal to the poor. Most of all, they wanted universal healthcare!

You may ask, "Mason, how do you know all this?" Well, I know this because I read the Constitution. Our Founding Parents meticulously composed all of our basic governmental documents, solidifying, even then (two hundred and fifty years ago), the rights we all know and love today!

America's most beloved president (Benjamin Franklin) said, "Without freedom of thought there can be no such thing as wisdom; and no such thing as public liberty without freedom of speech," foreseeing the tight restraints England's (or Airstrip One, as we know it)'s government would put on thought - and even the English language itself - in the coming centuries.

All in all, it's great to be American. We can say what we want, think what we want, speak/drive/eat/do what we want. Plus, we choose our leaders, and they'll help us out. What's cooler than that??!!!

Tell me, why are YOU glad (or not) to be American (or not)?

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