Journalism 2 Class luis jennifer mason robert forrest casey caitlin sarah mason lia alexandra luis natalie

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

sacrifice by some, for the good of all

This weekend I went home to my mom's and dug further into my family history. I don't know much about my mom's dad, other than he was deeply in love with my grandma and passed away before I was born. Calling him grandpa just seems strange, is that weird to feel that way?

I have letters he wrote to my grandma while they courted each other early in their relationship. Many of the letter are repetitious, he says he loves and misses her, talks about the work and training of the military and always asks about home. He made several friends while in the Army Air Force during WWII.

The political environment of the United States was focused on isolation. America did not want to get involved with the problems of the world. As we look back today, America really became the worlds protector as a result of WWII. We were called upon to help France and Britain. The entire map of Europe was in chaos. The might and will of the American servicemen and those at home building the great war machine launched the United States into the great World Power we are still known for.

America was called upon again to help in the Korean War. My mom's dad joined the 1st Marine Division and was shipped off to Korea. His time in WWII was spent as an airplane mechanic, this time however he would face a new enemy. Communist China entered the war as America ignored threats from the Chinese Government. The 1st Marine Division of roughly 8,000 men entered the Chosin Resivour. The Chinese military soon surrounded the Marines with an estimated 120,000 to 150,000 soldiers. The fighting was intense and the American forces soon began a retreat that my mom's dad said took 4 days to cover 50 miles. The convoy of trucks were ambushed several times along the way.

The weather was the worst in nearly 100 years along the Korean Peninsula. At times the temperature dropped to a -40 degrees. But the weather was not the only concern. they were running out of food. A lunch would be a can of soup, shared between 3 men. The Frozen Chosin lasted nearly two weeks. The retreat was successful and in the truest spirit of Pride for the American Forces, they proudly claimed that no injured or dead were left behind. Once in the safety of medical facilities and the USS Constellation, my mom's dad was treated for severe frostbite on his feet and malnourishment. He stayed in the hospital for over a month, anxious to get home.

His sacrifices along with many others are forgotten as we struggle to realize our place in the world. We can not forget the sacrifice so many have made in attempts to preserve the freedoms you and I enjoy today. Had we not entered WWII, Nazi Germany certainly would have continued it's march to world supremacy on other continents, not just Europe. If America didn't jump in the Korean War and suppress the spreading of Communism, how different would the world be that we know today?

Sometimes America is frowned upon for it's military actions across the world. What many don't realize is we are called on, we are asked for assistance. Sadly we sacrifice our own, for the safety and freedom of others. There are many heroic stories in our history, we are the protectors of the world. The sacrifice of our military people should not go thankless and forgotten. For without them, we surely wouldn't enjoy the current freedoms we enjoy here in America!

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