Why do people love to say this, and other people hate the very thought of it? (Stereo)Typically the difference between people who love it and people who hate it are divided between Republicans (who love it) and Democrats (who hate it.)
Forgive the fact that I am grouping large peoples together. As my disclaimer I will say that these groups are not always accurate. There are always exception, in fact I am one. That being said:
Democrats. They (stereo)typically hate this phrase. The way they see it is an attitude of "Why do I have to leave? Why can't I live in American but admit that we have our issues. If everyone that did not love every bit of America left it, and moved elsewhere, where would our hope of growth be? How would we change what isn't perfect? And nothing, including America, is perfect."
Republicans. They (stereo)typically love this phrase. Their attitude is "Why sit around and complain all day about something you can fix? No one is forcing you to stay here, and no one wants to hear you complain, especially when you have so much. Thanks in much part to the country you live in."
Unfortunately those are two separate arguments and (hypothetically) when members of these two parties try and solve this matter they wind up just waiting for the other to shut up so they can say their half. Neither is really listening, and neither is really responding. Both are just talking at walls.
So let me see if I can unfold the miscommunication.
Republicans (stereo)typically have a family-tie to the United States. You talk bad about it, that is like talking bad about their mother. America is recognized by many Republicans as having given them nearly everything they enjoy at no small price. The "Love it or leave" attitude is provoked when someone sits down at their kitchen table and starts badmouthing their mother. "You don't like my mom? Why would I tolerate you sitting here, in my house, saying stuff like that? Get out."
Its that family tie. You can talk to your brother about how annoying your mom can be. That is just fine, but if your neighbor tries to join in, they have crossed a line, if a sibling only has bad things to say about mom then they are annoying and ungrateful, and if a sibling runs to a neighbor and starts talking trash they have betrayed the family.
There are extremes on both ends. Some Republicans really do not want to hear about any of America's negative aspects, and some Democrats really do hate America, but I think those extremes need special help and should not be taken seriously, or as a representation of an entire party.
So you, non-extremist, open to correction, and open to listen person. I am talking to you. Try and see where the members of the opposing party are coming from whenever you discuss something with them. If a mutual respect is not had then a discussion is not had. All you have is two people talking at each other and that leads nowhere.
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