Journalism 2 Class luis jennifer mason robert forrest casey caitlin sarah mason lia alexandra luis natalie

Monday, February 1, 2010

Is America Lost? * needs links put back in *

by: Robert

I often wonder what it would have been like to grow up in America prior to World War II. Our country seems to have lost a lot of its swagger and national pride in the last few decades. To blame the fallout and social changes on the Vietnam War seems a little far-fetched. Was there a rush to volunteer for the Korean War? Not like our country witnessed in every other time of conflict in our nation's history.

I vividly remember watching the news as I got ready to go to work on September 11th. "Breaking News, a plane has crashed into the World Trade Center." I watched in disbelief, asking myself "How could this happen?" Then, another plane crashed, and my thoughts instantly went to Terrorism!

Did we as a nation come together as America did after Pearl Harbor? Possibly, but it didn't last long. Why? President Bush did what we all hope to do, he made a plan and stayed true to his beliefs. He never waffled in his stance and looked forward; always keeping the end clear in his mind (I will side with him on many issues, regardless of how unpopular they are). But somehow, he became the focus of the country's anger.

Our nation has lost sight of why America engaged in a war - two wars, for that matter. Many of us seem to have forgotten about the Twin Towers falling and the loss of so many innocent lives. We have forgotten that Osama Bin Laden has been a thorn in our side for many years, and that this was not his first attack on America.

Men and Women of our country have bravely paid the ultimate price and sacrificed their lives in the spirit of Freedom while the rest of us sit back and take it for granted. What will it take to unite our country? I hope we don't have to witness another attack on Pearl Harbor.

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