Journalism 2 Class luis jennifer mason robert forrest casey caitlin sarah mason lia alexandra luis natalie

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Government of the People, for the People

I have to wonder with all of the bail out moneys, why Americans who lost their 401k's aren't thought of? I'm not saying we should secure them like a checking or savings account is with the FDIC, but if a company fails or is closed by the Government, there should be something in place to guarantee the moneys invested. If the accounts are losing money it should be based on a current value of what was invested.

I have heard of people losing their retirements, but never understood the cause. In the case of a family member who lost over $120,000, this was brought closer to home and makes me question the policies in place regarding it.

Let me first thank the Government for bailing out banks, the auto makers and all of the bonuses that have been paid out with taxpayer money.

Now let me ask why pay a bonus when you take away a person's investment? How ridiculous is this? This is simply another case of the rich taking care of the rich and chopping the hands that give them their wealth. Is this really how misguided Americas Government is? A rhetorical question does not summons a response.

When a bank is closed by the FDIC, said bank pays off all it's debt. Any outstanding loans can then be purchased from the Government. I have to wonder and I am asking what happens to all the money the Government made from the sale of those loans? Surely they didn't help any of the employees with their 401k's!


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